Antarctica’s Stunning Landscapes
While searching for a suitable site on the coast of the Dornning Maud Land in East Antarctica to unload materials and supplies from cargo ships, BELARE Team Leader Alain Hubert and Field Guide Daniel Mercier took several photos of the stunning landscapes they encountered while reconnoitering the area on snowmobiles.
While searching for a suitable site to unload the supply ship, Alain Hubert and Daniel Mercier come across a stunning bay still covered by sea ice.
© International Polar Foundation
Viewed from the sea ice, here you can see the end of an ice shelf. Ice shelves are found all along the coast and can be 15 to 30-metres high in places. Ice shelves are where ice flows off from the Antarctic Ice Sheet and icebergs calve off and float away into the ocean.
© International Polar Foundation
It's necessary to travel long distances on the ice shelf in order to find a suitable site to unload the supply ship. The ship also transports construction materials for the PEA Station and equipment necessary for scientists conducting research at the station.
© International Polar Foundation
A majestic view where an ice shelf ends and the fast ice (a type of sea ice that remains attached to the land around it) begins.
© International Polar Foundation
Seals can sometimes be found at some distance from the ice edge. Here you can see fresh seal tracks on the snow.
© International Polar Foundation