November 20, 2009 in Pictures
In this second picture gallery, we are glad to show you the people who make up the first team at Utsteinen.
Kristof Soete, electro-mechanic.
© International Polar Foundation / René Robert
Marc Van Gelder, cabling.
Paul Herman, who has just installed our bathroom.
Pierre Dumont and Paul Herman.
René Robert, photographer.
Sebastian Falkenberg from Laborelec at the shovel.
Jacques Touchette, the joiner from Quebec.
Alain Hubert, leader of the expedition.
Bernard Polet.
Koen Verschraegen cabling in the office.
Karel Moerman, cabling.
Adriatik Berisha (Ilir), general construction.
Jürgen van Obberghen, electro mechanic at work in the garage.
On the third day, japanese people from JARE 51 paid us a visit and shared dinner, on the left, Christine, the cook.
From left to right: René, François, Ilir and Serge.
Olivier Diez working on the insulation in the garages where temperatures enver rise above -10°C.
Serge Delville, the doctor of the expedtion, on a ski-doo.
Christine Mattel, came from the Mont Blanc to cook for us... and it's delicious!
François Tilman, the driver, he will be spending hours in his Prinoth.
Jesko Kaczynski, electro-mechanic.
Journalists and other press members can get in touch with our press officer for pictures, interview requests or other material.