Wind Blows Over Base Camp
After having witnessed perpetual sunlight, Antarctica is now showing its true nature. The time has come for a good storm. When the wind blows, snow gets in through the slightest…
Through these small videos, we hope to give you a taste of what it is like to work and live at the Princess Elisabeth Station. We tried to cover a broad range of topics and uploaded parts of our archives to do so. We hope you'll like it.
After having witnessed perpetual sunlight, Antarctica is now showing its true nature. The time has come for a good storm. When the wind blows, snow gets in through the slightest…
The main role of the Utsteinen cooks is to feed the troops and motivate them to work. It is important that the cooks are prepared and on time, but above…
The Ivan Papanin, used to transport the equipment and material needed to build the station, is an Ice-class cargo ship. To reach Antarctica, the ship had to break the ice…
The ridge upon which the Princess Elisabeth Station is rooted is looking more and more like an ant hill. Construction has been going on for 2 months already, with over 50 people…
This 3 minutes video will show you how life went on at Utsteinen from early November until December 2007. You will discover traverses from base camp to coast and back, garages construction,…