Having returned from his second trip to Antarctica to conduct research for the BeWise project funded by the InBev Baillet-Latour Fellowship, Dr. Reinhard Drews from the Glaciology Laboratory at the…
With the return of the IceCon and Be: Wise expedition from the coast, the arrival of the German scientists and their Polar 6 plane, along with the station’s technical…
In December 2012, a team from Princess Elisabeth Antarctica made history - and caused a worldwide media frenzy - by becoming the first humans to make contact with a 9,000 strong emperor…
Five scientists from the IceCon and Be:Wise projects, accompanied by a field guide and Princess Elisabeth Antarctic base leader Alain Hubert are currently on an expedition to the coast,…
Spending four months in Antarctica changes your perspective on life. It can be physically hard at times, but also physiologically challenging. Expeditions like these are both a personal and human…
Everyone staying at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica is obliged upon arriving to take a safety training course to make sure they can handle the hostile environment of Antarctica.
Four Skype calls were organised by the International Polar Foundation between schools and the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica station (PEA) in the framework of celebrating Antarctica Day on December 1st.
We caught up with Jacques Richon, the Swiss doctor working at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica during the first half of the season. He gives us his take on how his mission…
The team at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica have finally been able to make a bit of time in their busy schedule for a quick Skype call. Here is their summary of…