The Journey Home Begins…
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica's systems are now in winter mode, following the team's departure on February 25, bringing to the successful 2013-2014 research season to a close.
Interested in what's happening down at Princess Elisabeth? News from the field are posted here regularily to keep you updated about what's going on.
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica's systems are now in winter mode, following the team's departure on February 25, bringing to the successful 2013-2014 research season to a close.
Having studied Earth’s magnetic field since the 1970s, Dr Jean Rasson from the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI) reflects on his first expedition to Antarctica, where he…
This week, the International Polar Foundation celebrates five years of endevour and success since Princess Elisabeth Antarctica was inaugurated on February 15, 2009. However, the journey from the station's…
Who would want to install a series of seismometers, GPS stations, and gravimeters in Antarctica and for what purpose? Denis Lombardi from the Royal Observatory of Belgium explains the…
Despite the difficult sea ice conditions off the coast of Antarctica and our supply ship having to unload 150 km further away from the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica station than expected,…
While on their field expedition to help Denis Lombardi from the Royal Observatory of Belgium install several seismometers, Alain and six others took advantage of the trip away from the…
We caught up with Yves Groebli on his birthday to get his impressions about being a doctor at a research station in Antarctica for the first time.
For the fifth time and the fourth consecutive year, Alexander Mangold, a 42 year-old German researcher at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, returned to see the Princess Elisabeth station and…
Having returned from his second trip to Antarctica to conduct research for the BeWise project funded by the InBev Baillet-Latour Fellowship, Dr. Reinhard Drews from the Glaciology Laboratory at the…
Now that the IceCon and Be:Wise teams have returned from their expedition to the coast, we talked to Alain Hubert to get the latest on the…