Princess Elisabeth Antarctica viewed from the sky

News from Antarctica

Interested in what's happening down at Princess Elisabeth? News from the field are posted here regularily to keep you updated about what's going on.

  • International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    Dealing with the Antarctic Weather

    Thursday, November 26th - The weather has been so-so during the past couple of days. We've had no real storms, although it's been windy at times with clouds. Yesterday, it…

  • International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    The Wind brings in Newcomers…

    Utsteinen, 18th November 2009 - Once again, the weather was beautiful: blue skies, sunny, and no wind. However, Alain told us it wouldn't stay like this for long, and that by…

  • International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    The Wind blows on the new Base Camp

    Friday November 20th - Here we are! Six more people have joined the team. The lunch was particularly animated with anecdotes and memories of past expeditions at Utsteinen. With Serge,…

  • International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    Settling in at Utsteinen

    The beginning of the season has been warm, and happily enough, accompanied by fantastic weather like we had two years ago (and thankfully not like last year).

  • International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    The Team has arrived!

    November 12th, 2009 has marked the start of the 2009-2010 BELARE expedition as the first team has landed at Novo airbase at 03.36 UTC. Upon arrival at Princess Elisabeth Station at Utsteinen,…

  • Wim Tellier, photographer, Thierry Touchais, Executive Director of IPF, and Daniel Desmet, Asteria Expeditions - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    Protect 7-7 in Antwerp

    Protect 7-7, a unique photography exhibit, was held on the 7th continent in January 2009. Wim Tellier, the author of this exhibit, chose the "Gedempte Zuiderdokken" in Antwerp to unfold on…

  • Roof-top solar pannels - © International Polar Foundation

    in Daily Life

    Live from Antarctica: Monday February 23

    The Neumayer weather forecaster had been sending us meteorological forecast maps which showed a perfectly circular cyclone with tightly drawn isobars indicating high wind speeds about to make landfall in…