Why Study Seismic Activity in Antarctica?
Who would want to install a series of seismometers, GPS stations, and gravimeters in Antarctica and for what purpose? Denis Lombardi from the Royal Observatory of Belgium explains the…
Interested in what's happening down at Princess Elisabeth? News from the field are posted here regularily to keep you updated about what's going on.
Who would want to install a series of seismometers, GPS stations, and gravimeters in Antarctica and for what purpose? Denis Lombardi from the Royal Observatory of Belgium explains the…
For the fifth time and the fourth consecutive year, Alexander Mangold, a 42 year-old German researcher at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, returned to see the Princess Elisabeth station and…
Having returned from his second trip to Antarctica to conduct research for the BeWise project funded by the InBev Baillet-Latour Fellowship, Dr. Reinhard Drews from the Glaciology Laboratory at the…
Now that the IceCon and Be:Wise teams have returned from their expedition to the coast, we talked to Alain Hubert to get the latest on the…
With the return of the IceCon and Be: Wise expedition from the coast, the arrival of the German scientists and their Polar 6 plane, along with the station’s technical…
In December 2012, a team from Princess Elisabeth Antarctica made history - and caused a worldwide media frenzy - by becoming the first humans to make contact with a 9,000 strong emperor…
Five scientists from the IceCon and Be:Wise projects, accompanied by a field guide and Princess Elisabeth Antarctic base leader Alain Hubert are currently on an expedition to the coast,…
Last week, the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica team warmly welcomed four Japanese scientists from Japan's 55th Antarctic expedition (JARE-55) to Utsteinen. Several Japanese scientists working on long-term research…
Our first scientists have arrived at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station, to begin the four-month 2013-2014 BELARE scientific research season.
A team of scientists working at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica has recently discovered a meteorite weighing 18kg embedded in the East Antarctic ice sheet, the largest such meteorite found in…